Irony Poisoned
Waiting on the Left
5 little newlywed things
On suffering
In praise of mid
I wrote a book!
In/out lists are out
An ode to the books I DNFd
Music, books, and more!
Is Tumblr the last good website?
Greg on travel
Grow up!
the hot goss
gas stove discourse
What would you do with $8?
Wistful October Playlist (sad girl autumn version)
Victoria's Secret Standoff
Am I... middle class?
No hot takes this month :/
On Twitter.
What your top songs on Spotify say about you.
Shopping is no longer a pleasure.
Merry covid christmas
This is fine.
October is the Thursday of the year.
I have rocks for brains.
Hopelessness and gadening.
I made a newsletter.